Cinnamon Sugar Peach Rollups

Cinnamon Sugar Peach Rollups

Green Chocolate Chip Recipe Pinterest Graphic (2).png


  • 1 1/2 cups gluten free all purpose flour {or regular AP flour}

  • 2 tbsp. coconut sugar

  • 3 tbsp. cold butter {I used vegan butter}

  • 5 tbsp. cold water

  • *extras: peach slices, cinnamon, sugar, melted vegan butter


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.

  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour & sugar, then add in the cold butter + cold water and mix together with a fork. {use your hands towards the end to form a dough ball; if it looks too dry—add 1 tbsp. of extra water at a time.}

  3. Place the dough onto a cutting board, flatten into a rectangle, lightly coat with melted butter + cinnamon sugar mixture, and cut thin slices.

  4. Cut the peaches into big slices and wrap some dough around each slice.

  5. Top with extra cinnamon + sugar & bake for 13-15 minutes!

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